Enjoy the beauty of painting during these two sessions that are designed for beginning lovers of artistic painting. At the end of these sessions the participants will know about the wide variety of materials and tools available to the artistic painter and will understand the fundamental theory and practice of the main painting topics.
Jose will perform a demo and participants will work on their own painting following the same model. At the end of the sessions, every participant will have done a painting.
Here’s the materials list so that each participant can bring what is needed. You are welcomed to work with oils, acrylics, or watercolors. Please choose only one medium.
This is our plan for the two sessions:
1.1 Surface preparation
1.2 Painting materials
1.3 The color chart
1.4 Handling paint
2.1 Composition
2.2 Values
2.3 Colors
3.1 Block-in
3.2 Alla Prima, layers
3.3 Grisalle
3.4 Impasto, texture
3.5 Final varnish
Saturday Jan 4, 2025
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST
1/4 - 1/5/2025
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Community Resource Center
587 Palm Canyon Dr
Borrego Springs, CA. 92004
BAI Member: $125
Non-member $140
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Printed courtesy of www.borregospringschamber.com/ – Contact the Borrego Springs Chamber of Commerce for more information.
786 Palm Canyon Dr., Borrego Springs, CA 92004-0420 – 760-767-5555 – Info@borregospringschamber.com